The postpatriarchal Think-and-Do-Lab „Economy is Care“ is committed to the reorganisation of the economy around its core business, the satisfaction of actual human needs worldwide. The association is based in Switzerland and Germany, with close ties to Austria. „Economy is Care“ sees itself as a part of the worldwide movement for a care-centered economy.
„The Care-Centered Economy – Rediscovering what has been taken for granted“ by Ina Praetorius is the founding essay of our association. It is available here.
Short film
The award-winning short film questions the current state of the economy and shows with a look into the past how the current understanding of the economy came about. It underlines the need for change in the economic system towards a care-centered economy.
Economy is Care – (Not) a walk
Our city walk on „Economy is Care“ is available in English as well. Take a look at the brochure and organize a walk in your town, school or company! You can find the brochure here.
My Care Biography
Our Care Biography Method to reflect on your own personal care circumstances is available here.
We are looking forward to more contributions to #economyiscare in English! We warmly welcome you to get in touch with us if you need or have further information on a specific topic!
Please find the links below for further information in English
Care – from Sector to Criterion
Care – Joy and Burden, Dirt and Dignity
Economics and the Social: A Strange Couple
Five Economic Questions for All of Us
More on #economyiscare in English
Ina Praetorius, Let’s send homo oeconomicus to a postpatriarchal liturgy (2023, pp 381-391)
- Caroline Krüger, Care as a Criterion for Everything We Do, in:Vanessa Campos Climent et al, Connecting Sustainability Organizational Models with SDGs. Universitat de València 2023, 97-111 ISBN Papel: 978-84-9133-569-6 ISBN PDF: 978-84-9133-570-2
„On the most general level, we suggest that caring be viewed as a specific activity that includes everything that we do to maintain, continue, and repair our world so that we can live in it as well as possible. That world includes our bodies, our selves, and our environment, all of which we seek to interweave in a complex, life-sustaining web.“
Joan C. Tronto
2013. Caring Democracy. Markets, Equality, and Justice. New York and London: New York University Press. Page 19.